HTML is an abbreviation for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is an abbreviation for Hypertext Markup Language. The link between web pages is defined by hypertext. To define the text document within the tag that defines the structure of web pages, a markup language is used.
In this blog, we will learn what is difference between HTML and html5. This language is used to annotate (note for computer) text so that a machine can understand it and manipulate the text appropriately. The majority of markup languages (for example, HTML) are human readable. The language employs tags to specify what text manipulation is required. It is used to structure and present content on web pages. HTML5 is HTML's fifth version.
There are many differences between HTML and HTML5 which are discussed below:
It did not support audio or video without the use of a flash player.
Cookies are used to store temporary data.
JavaScript cannot be run in the browser.
Vector graphics are possible in HTML thanks to various technologies such as VML, Silverlight, Flash, and so on.
Drag and drop effects are not supported.
Elements such as the navigation and header were missing.
Character encoding is time-consuming and difficult.
Because it is an older version, it is slower, less flexible, and less efficient than HTML5.
It provides audio and video controls via the audio> and video> tags. It stores offline data using SQL databases and application cache.
Allows JavaScript to execute in the background.
Vector graphics, like SVG and canvas, are also essential components of HTML5.
HTML5 allows you to draw shapes such as circles, rectangles, and triangles.
It is supported by all new browsers, including Firefox, Mozilla, Chrome, and Safari.
New web structure elements such as navigation, headers, and footers.
It is capable of dealing with incorrect syntax
It is more efficient, flexible, and faster than HTML.